Marketing basics 101: Having a captivating packaging design increases the likelihood of a brand being embedded in your memory

Marketing basics 101: Having a captivating packaging design increases the likelihood of a brand being embedded in your memory, and also signals to the brain that the product packaged within is appealing to the taste-buds too!

Our team at Sunlife Durian Puffs & Pastries has always questioned about why our products are not widely featured on social media despite having mouth-watering pastries which are well-loved and highly raved by many. The answer is crystal clear: we did not have a captivating packaging design that will induce the urge to post it on social media.

As part of our commitment to value-add our products and services, we have decided to introduce a new packaging design which will be coming your way real soon. Stay tuned for more information as we release the official date where the new boxes will be used :)

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